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Name : Dr. Mahadev Dewashi

Designation : Principal

Period : 12/02/2009

Contact No : 9474010050

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Education is one of the most respected and accepted modes in human civilization for the fulfillment of human ambition of continuous and sustained betterment of the self and the society. lt harnesses the socializing skills of human being and helps one to perceive those feelings that make one learn from the past, deal with the present and prepare for the future. The establishment of Kabi Joydeb Mahavidyalaya in 2007 has contributed significantly to the Social and cultural change that has come to affect the area in a positive way in the last one decade. The youths of the area and their guardian now feel more positively about their roles in society, their contribution to this great country and feel confident about their own lives. More significant is in the change in the lives of these people who even few years before were considered to be backward. The numbers of Muslim Girls coming to study in our College and getting successful career is staggering and a matter of great pride of us.

ln this institution, we constantly work towards this goal that whoever crosses the threshold of this institution, must learn to harbour a hope when they teave this institution for greater challenges ]n life. All our staff works within several conspicuous odds but those could not let their spirits down. They work for the sake of their love for this institution and teach all that get eventually associated with this institution the values of love and comradeship. The involvement of all sections of society starting from the authorities to the common people, will only boost up our efforts and make this institution a real game - changer in this area, this distinct as well as in the state. Our immediate goal is to bring the students of the area to the mainstream, then infuse in them the confidence to be world - beater.

The institution has nurtured a vision of excellence through continuous modernization of the teaching learning process aided by seminars, research and other academic pursuits. We are proud of our students who emerge as achievers in diverse fields and the synergy between teachers and students is the sine qua non of success for this institution.

we gladly extend warm invitation to all willing students to be a part of this institution and grow with us.

Dr. Mahadev Dewashi

